- What we do is what we know - 

And we do it well with over 100 years of experience in the Persian carpet industry


Quality is priceless. We carefully select each rug to meet our standards, which is the best quality in terms of material, craftsmanship, design, color and origin. With several generations of experience, we know what makes a good rug and where to find it. Every single piece goes through our own washing process, repair service and quality control.

More about IPEK →

Our Rugs

We often receive questions about production chains and fair working conditions. To be able to answer them, one should understand how carpets are produced and traded in Iran.

More about our Rugs →


The Persian system is a very sustainable system because the weavers themselves decide when to work, what to make and at what price to sell. And all this happens in the best environment you can have - in their homes.

More about the Artisans →